The Internet Saint
Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."


Welcome to The Internet Saint – an Internet destination for Bible sermons that seek to bring the Word of God into your life in an accessible and meaningful way. Here, you will find inspiring sermons that will help you gain greater insight and clarity regarding biblical teachings. From learning about the power of prayer to discovering ways to live a more Christ-centered life, you can trust that The Internet Saint offers resources rooted in the Word of God so that you can grow spiritually and become closer to the Lord. So join us today as we explore grace through scripture and reflection! God bless!

Newest Articles

Disobedience Leads To Death
Disobedience Leads To Death
In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam one rule: avoid the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or face death. This command, detailed in Genesis 2:15-17, introduces the original tale of human disobedience. After the serpent's temptation, both Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, then shifted blame instead of accepting responsibility, marking the beginning of pride and sin, which leads to a spiritual death.
The First Ten Names
The First Ten Names
In this intriguing exploration, we delve into the first ten generations listed in the Bible, from Adam to Noah, uncovering a hidden message within their names. This article examines how the sequential meanings of these ancient names remarkably foretell the coming and purpose of Jesus Christ, revealing a profound thread of divine prophecy interwoven through the early chapters of Genesis. Join us as we decode this genealogical prophecy, demonstrating how even names can carry profound biblical truths and underscore the interconnectedness of scripture, enlightening us about God's plan of salvation.
Favorite Scripture
Favorite Scripture
In this exploration of spiritual reflections, we delve into why one of the Bible's shortest verses holds profound significance for many. Beyond the commonly cited Acts 2:38, this article examines the depth and implications of John 11:35, where the simplicity of Jesus wept reveals the complex nature of Christ's humanity and divinity, offering comfort and companionship in our own moments of grief and doubt. Join us as we unpack the layers of meaning behind these two poignant words and what they teach us about the empathetic nature of Jesus.
I Love Dogs
I Love Dogs
In this heartfelt article, we explore an unexpected parallel between our canine friends and our spiritual lives. Just as dogs sometimes choose the comfort of their crates over the freedom of the house, many of us struggle to embrace the liberty from sin that Jesus Christ has granted us. Join us as we delve into how we can learn to live freely in faith, just like dogs learning to enjoy their newfound freedom.
Scientific Facts In The Bible
Scientific Facts In The Bible
In today's world, there is an overlap between faith and science. This Bible study delves into how the Bible, long before scientific discovery, hinted at truths like the Earth's place in space and the importance of blood. These insights from scripture align with modern science, showcasing the Bible's timeless wisdom and its unexpected role as a precursor to scientific knowledge. This connection between ancient wisdom and modern knowledge enriches our understanding, making us part of a larger narrative.
Leviticus 14:50 (KJV)

And he shall kill the one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water: